
 Understanding Fibromyalgia: A Holistic Approach to Managing Chronic Pain

Woman doing aqua therapy to treat fibromyalgia pain.

In the realm of chronic pain conditions, fibromyalgia syndrome stands out as a complex and often misunderstood disorder. Through the insights of dedicated healthcare professionals like Maheen Arastu, we gain a clearer understanding of fibromyalgia and the empathetic care provided to those grappling with its challenges.

Whether you personally are affected by fibromyalgia, know someone who is, or generally want to understand more about the illness, keep reading to learn valuable insights about the diagnosis, treatment, and realities of fibromyalgia.

Meet Maheen Arastu, Pain Specialist in Round Rock

Maheen Arastu, a dedicated Family Nurse Practitioner-Certified (FNP-C) based in Round Rock, brings a wealth of experience and compassion to the field of pain management. Her professional journey, transitioning from the operating room to specializing in interventional pain management, underscores her unwavering dedication to delivering personalized and empathetic care to her patients.

Furthermore, Arastu’s background in women's healthcare has provided her with valuable insights into the unique challenges faced by women, especially considering the higher prevalence of fibromyalgia among women. This perspective enhances her ability to address the specific needs of her patients with sensitivity and understanding.

Fluent in Hindi and Urdu, Arastu places a strong emphasis on culturally sensitive approaches in her practice, ensuring that every patient feels respected, understood, and supported regardless of their cultural or linguistic background.

As we commemorate Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, let us recognize Arastu’s commitment to raising awareness about this condition and providing compassionate care to those affected by it.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia presents as a complex condition characterized by widespread pain, persistent fatigue, cognitive impairments, and disturbances in sleep patterns. Its prevalence is notably higher among women and frequently coexists with other ailments like irritable bowel syndrome, headaches or migraines, and mood disorders such as anxiety or depression. The triggers for fibromyalgia vary widely, encompassing genetic predispositions, infections, as well as physical or emotional traumas.

Symptoms typically manifest in diverse ways: individuals experience chronic body pain persisting for three or more months, often migrating across various regions such as the back, neck, and shoulders. Despite normal blood test results, individuals may grapple with profound fatigue, hindering their ability to engage in daily activities. These symptoms can arise following a specific triggering event, whether physical or psychological in nature, or may gradually accumulate over time without a discernible inciting incident.

How Does Fibromyalgia Affect Daily Life?

Fibromyalgia can significantly impact daily life in various ways, often presenting a multitude of challenges for individuals living with the condition. Persistent pain can impact simple tasks – standing, walking, or sitting for extended periods, can become exceedingly difficult and exhausting.

Fatigue is another hallmark symptom of fibromyalgia, often accompanied by disrupted sleep patterns and cognitive difficulties commonly referred to as "fibro fog." The combination of pain, fatigue, and cognitive impairments can impair concentration, memory, and overall mental clarity, affecting productivity and daily functioning.

Moreover, fibromyalgia can impact emotional well-being, leading to feelings of frustration, anxiety, depression, and social withdrawal. The unpredictability of symptoms and the chronic nature of the

Diagnosis can be challenging because most patients have coexisting conditions. The illness is diagnosed out of exclusion, so running thorough testing and bloodwork is critical.

At Pain Specialists of America, we first work with rheumatology to rule out autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or lupus. We also run blood tests, sleep studies, cervical MRIs, and tender point assessments to get a complete picture. Collaborating closely with patients' primary care physicians (PCPs), we strive to gain a comprehensive understanding of their medical history. 

While the diagnostic journey for fibromyalgia may be lengthy and intricate, the process of eliminating other potential illnesses empowers patients with clarity regarding their health status. With Arastu’s expertise and insight, patients can navigate this journey with confidence, knowing they are in caring and capable hands.

Diagnosing Fibromyalgia: An Exclusionary Process

Diagnosis can be challenging because most patients have coexisting conditions. The illness is diagnosed out of exclusion, so running thorough testing and bloodwork is critical.

At Pain Specialists of America, we first work with rheumatology to rule out autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or lupus. We also run blood tests, sleep studies, cervical MRIs, and tender point assessments to get a complete picture. Collaborating closely with patients' primary care physicians (PCPs), we strive to gain a comprehensive understanding of their medical history. 

While the diagnostic journey for fibromyalgia may be lengthy and intricate, the process of eliminating other potential illnesses empowers patients with clarity regarding their health status. With Arastu’s expertise and insight, patients can navigate this journey with confidence, knowing they are in caring and capable hands.

Physical Therapy for Fibromyalgia

Arastu adopts a conservative approach to treatment, prioritizing strategies that are both gentle and sustainable for her patients. One such recommendation she offers is the "5-minute rule," advising patients to take a brief, 5-minute walk for every hour they spend sitting. By setting attainable goals, Arastu aims to foster habits that can be maintained over the long term, avoiding the pitfalls of overly strenuous exercise routines that may exacerbate symptoms.

In line with this philosophy, she often suggests aqua therapy or water aerobics, recognizing the potential strain conventional physical therapy may place on the body. Chair yoga and acupuncture also emerge as gentle yet effective modalities for alleviating tension and managing pain. Arastu also acknowledges the benefits of achieving healthy, sustainable weight loss in reducing pain for patients with a high BMI.

Arastu explores pharmaceutical options for patients only after exhausting other avenues of treatment. She emphasizes the importance of starting conservatively and using trial-and-error to ensure that any medication regimen aligns with the patient's preferences and needs.

Managing the Mental Component of Fibro

Beyond medical treatments, Arastu underscores the vital importance of addressing mental health considerations and adopting healthy lifestyle habits. Though any illness may see an overlap between chronic stress and pain, this relationship is even more prevalent in those with Fibromyalgia. As an illness that affects the mind and body, it is critical that patients seek mental health support.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), support groups, and mindfulness practices play integral roles in managing symptoms and promoting overall wellbeing. By nurturing a supportive environment and fostering open communication, Arastu empowers her patients to navigate their journey towards healing and resilience.

Additionally, getting adequate, restorative sleep is essential for those managing fibromyalgia. Arastu emphasizes the importance of prioritizing quality sleep to optimize health outcomes. Hydration is also key for overall health, and Arastu stresses the importance of staying adequately hydrated, especially for individuals with fibromyalgia.

Lastly, she advocates for a balanced diet rich in whole fruits, vegetables, and lean meats, while also acknowledging the value of occasional indulgences. Arastu’s approach to nutrition emphasizes enjoying food without undue stress, embracing a healthy relationship with eating, and savoring life's simple pleasures. Eat what you can, don’t stress, and enjoy the dark chocolate, she says.

Addressing the Skepticism: Is Fibromyalgia Real?

Despite advancements in understanding fibromyalgia, skepticism persists regarding its legitimacy as a medical condition. Arastu emphasizes the tangible impact of chronic pain on individuals' lives, highlighting the importance of comprehensive evaluations and evidence-based treatments. Through education and advocacy, she works to dispel misconceptions surrounding fibromyalgia and validate the experiences of those living with this condition.

PSA Success Story

One inspiring success story shared by Arastu involves a patient who initially sought relief for chronic low back pain, despite her young age of 34-years. After exhausting conventional routes, including consultations with surgeons and rheumatologists, the patient embarked on a journey toward holistic healing. Arastu guided her through incremental steps, addressing each concern methodically. 

Starting with manageable lifestyle changes like weight loss, the patient gradually progressed to exploring innovative treatments such as a lower back stimulator, specifically a peripheral nerve stimulator targeting the lower back to buttocks region. Remarkably, this comprehensive approach culminated in the patient achieving freedom from lower back pain, experiencing only occasional flare-ups that are managed effectively with medication. This narrative underscores the transformative power of personalized care and perseverance in overcoming the challenges posed by fibromyalgia.

Find Support Through Pain Specialists of America

As we commemorate Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, let us recognize the complexities of this condition and the invaluable efforts of healthcare professionals like Maheen Arastu in providing compassionate care. Through a holistic approach encompassing medical interventions, lifestyle modifications, and emotional support, we can empower individuals living with fibromyalgia to reclaim their lives and thrive despite the challenges they face.

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